Quantock Views Picture Archive

The Quantock Views picture archive is a collection of digital images of photographs, paintings, or any graphic image, of the Quantock Hills and is managed (and owned) by the Quantock Hills National Landscape Ranger Service. It was started to bring together various existing collections of photographs, postcards and paintings which are rarely seen and to gather together private collections and recollections, which may be in danger of being lost to the Quantock community.

The area covered is an expansion of the Natural Landscape area and roughly covers from the coast near Kilve (at the northwestern end) to Monkton Heathfield (at the southeastern end). The aim is to borrow and digitise any picture (in any format) which is taken within, from, or towards this area and records or reflects the changing landscape and village life of the Quantock Hills. Information about the images is largely reliant upon the donor who owns the original. Access to the archive, which is searchable, is available to anyone. The archive currently contains 1132 images.

It should be emphasised that the Ranger Service does not have copyright for any of the images in the archive.

We have made every effort to make the information provided as accurate as possible, but as different images of the same place will be provided (and catalogued) by different people there is always likely to be differences in the information provided.

The archive is supported and reliant on a team of volunteers. If you think you might be interested in becoming a volunteer on the project, have some pictures which you think might be of interest, or have some information about an image already in the archive, then please contact theRanger Service

The images are being collected, scanned, and uploaded by volunteers, and many have been contributed by individuals, within the community as well as other sources.

If you, or anyone you know, own any pictures of the Quantock Hills, even if only in the background, then spread the word, and consider helping us as a donor by contacting theRanger Service

All Rights Reserved. Website by Hillwalk Ltd.